Sunday, December 03, 2006

For cyclists going west into New Plymouth

For kids coming from Glen Avon down Queen St (seen coming towards camera in first photo) or if one is coming in from further north and is not comfortable/afraid to go on the road across the bridge, i.e. usually older riders and those of school age, the option is to get off the road just past Queen St and ride along the foot path over the bridge.

However, at the other end, to get back into the cycle lane involves going around the underpass sign (seen in the first blog's photo below), riding across the grass, getting between the timber fence and using the driveway to get back onto the road.

To get to Fitzroy, one uses the underpass to go under the road to get onto the Fitzroy side of SH3 and one then can go along the footpath or through the netball courts to get to ones destination.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Top photo is eastern end of bridge whereas the lower photo is the western and town side of the bridge